School Admissions Policy

We are only accepting applications for primary school children at present.

  1. The children of members of this Church can apply to enter into the School, according to the wishes of their parents.
  2. Applications from parents, who are not members of this Church, for their children to enter into the School will be considered on a case by case basis.
  3. Conditions of admission:
    1. parents and children attend Church services held in relation to the School, for example, services to mark the opening of the School Year and End of Term assemblies.
    2. parents should use the proper channels to communicate with the School, as defined by the relevant policies.
    3. parents respect the stated spiritual and moral aims of the school and endeavour to be consistent with this at home.  
    4. parents read and accept the School’s policy documents and be familiar with and sign the School’s Registration Forms.
    5. the School has sufficient resources for the applicant to receive an education.
  4. We do not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or gender.



Informal Interview with Headteachers


Formal Interview with Headteachers and one Governor


School visit for applicant


If conditions of admission are met a place will be offered


Final interview